Welcome to Healthy Forumer! Here, we cut through the clutter to give you straightforward tips for health and skincare. Find simple ways to keep your skin glowing and your body in top shape. Think of us as your go-to spot for advice that works, minus the fluff. Happy reading!

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  • Nutrition Tips for Women Over 40, 50, and 60 Years Old

    Nutrition Tips for Women Over 40, 50, and 60 Years Old

    Eating right as you age can prevent many problems. As women get older, their metabolism slows down, which can lead to weight gain and worsen both physical and mental health. The impact of healthy eating on a woman’s health after forty Women over forty often experience rapid weight gain, increasedContinue Reading

  • Treating Dry Patches on the Skin: A Review of Effective Moisturizing Methods.

    Treating Dry Patches on the Skin: A Review of Effective Moisturizing Methods.

    Dry skin is a skin type determined genetically, not influenced by external factors and remains unchanged throughout life, while dehydrated skin is a temporary condition that anyone can experience, regardless of skin type. Dry skin lacks lipids (fats) due to insufficient activity of sebaceous glands, originating internally. Dehydrated skin mayContinue Reading

  • Witch Hazel: Uses and Benefits – Properties of Witch Hazel and Ways to Use it for Skincare.

    Witch Hazel: Uses and Benefits – Properties of Witch Hazel and Ways to Use it for Skincare.

    Extract derived from the plant with the beautiful name witch hazel is often found in cosmetics aimed at soothing the skin and strengthening its protective properties. Let’s talk about the power of this ingredient and when it will be particularly useful. What is Witch Hazel? Witch hazel, also known asContinue Reading

  • The Role of Emotional Intelligence in Leadership and Career Growth

    The Role of Emotional Intelligence in Leadership and Career Growth

    Many people who have interviewed for a job at a large company know how entrance tests work and what they look like. Most employers try to use these tests to filter out unsuitable candidates and identify the most productive employees with high intelligence levels. However, real-world practice shows intelligence, inContinue Reading



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