With the onset of menopause, significant changes can occur in a woman’s life, and unfortunately, they’re not for the better. It’s no surprise. Menopause symptoms are numerous and unpleasant. Hot flashes, uncontrollable heat waves and sweating are the undisputed “symptom #1” complained about by most patients when menopause sets in.Continue Reading

woman wearing backless dress near leaves

General Information A mole is a benign growth that appears on the skin. Its key feature is the distinct pigmentation against the skin’s background. These pigments can start appearing at an early age and are present in both children and adults. On one hand, their presence doesn’t cause any concerns.Continue Reading

Sleep is an essential process for maintaining health and well-being. However, the quality and duration of sleep can vary depending on a person’s age. In this article, we’ll explore how age affects the quality and duration of sleep and what measures can be taken to improve sleep in different ageContinue Reading

Currently, there are over 500 million women over 50 years old on Earth. In Russia, about 25% of the total population are women aged 40-69 years. Unfortunately, these years often come with health deterioration and unpleasant conditions. Interesting Facts: There are two types of aging: physiological and premature. Physiological agingContinue Reading

The connection between the brain and the gut, the “first” and “second” brains, has been a hot topic lately. These two brains control a much wider range of processes than an average person might think. The brain influences how the gastrointestinal tract functions, not only through direct commands via nerveContinue Reading